Baby Clothes for Girl or Boy

gender neutral baby sleepwear

gender neutral baby sleepwearI am not yet expecting, but I've started to get baby fever and so I "wandered" into a few baby stores at the mall last weekend. Just to look.

When I went to Carter's, I was immediately approached by a saleswoman who began to ask me a ton of questions. I was too embarrassed to say that I just have baby fever and wanted to look around, so I said that I was getting a gift for a friend. She asked "boy or girl" and I said that we didn't know yet. She said, "Oh! Well, we don't have much gender neutral stuff. It's pretty much just this rack of duck-themed items."

I was so surprised. I mean, I've noticed that it's getting harder and harder to find gender-neutral stuff anymore because so many parents find out the gender before they have a shower. But I really wouldn't want to know -- and even if I did know ahead of time, I'd want to be able to re-use everything for the second kid.                                                                                                                                     gender neutral baby clothes
I don't mind that people find out the gender before birth, but why does that mean that parents who want gender-neutral items can't find them anymore?

It also makes me second-guess myself and wonder whether everything I am looking at is "supposed" to be gendered.

Like this crib bedding set:

Is it gender-neutral? I have seen some places advertise it as "girls" but the colors are gender-neutral and I don't understand why boys can't have some flowers in their room.

It seems gender-neutral to me, but then in the text it says, "Little Me Baby Boy Monkey Stripe."

I'm so tired of looking at cute bibs for gifts and finally finding a nice gender-neutral color set and then finding out that one of them says, "Daddy's little girl" or something like that on them. Why do people do this? They take a perfectly normal set of green, orange and yellow bibs and then turn them into a gendered item for no apparent reason -- rendering them unusable for half the families out there!

Does anyone know of some good places to go for gender-neutral clothing and gear?

Additional Details

Lindsay: For clarification, I'm not planning on buying gendered stuff after the baby arrives. The whole point is to buy things that could be reused for a baby of the opposite gender -- not just to get stuff that will get me through the first couple weeks. I think I'd like to avoid buying gendered items until at least a year old so that I don't waste my money when it comes to a second child. Bedding sets in particular are expensive!

Also, the bedding set that I posted doesn't have any purple on it. Maybe it looks that way in the picture, but it is yellow, white and grey/taupe

              Gender Neutral Baby Clothes    
               Baby Clothes for Girl or Boy
                   neutral baby bedding